
Finding a doctor that you feel comfortable with and who can give you proper medical care is crucial when having a baby. Click here for more information.


Are You At Risk Of Ovarian Cancer? New Report Finds ‘Gaps’ In Knowledge About The Disease

25 March 2016
, Blog

Look around you the next time you're at the store, at a sporting event or anywhere with a group of people. Can you count 75 women? The odds are that one woman in 75 will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer in her lifetime. That translates to more than 22,000 women getting a new diagnosis of ovarian cancer this year. But the most shocking statistic is that more than 14,000 of those women who are diagnosed will eventually die of the disease.
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4 Tips For Preventing Yeast Infections

12 February 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Yeast infections are a common gynecological problem that affect many women at some point in their lives. While vaginal yeast infections are not dangerous, they can be very uncomfortable and few women want to deal with the symptoms that a yeast infection brings. If you find yourself dealing with chronic yeast infections, use the following tips to help prevent the infections from occurring: Wear Cotton Underwear Yeast infections thrive in damp, warm places, so if you get yeast infections often it is in your best interest to wear cotton underwear instead of underwear made of synthetic materials.
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What You Should Know About Breast Cancer Prevention

4 January 2016
 Categories: , Blog

As a woman, there are many health issues that you may be far more prone to than men. Among these is the risk of developing breast cancer at some point in your lifetime. However, what you may not know is what you can and should do to prevent breast cancer, or at the very least detect breast cancer early. In order to ensure that you are doing everything that you can to keep yourself healthy, get to know more about breast cancer prevention and screenings.
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Overwhelmed With Birthing Options? Can A Midwife Or Doula Help?

16 November 2015
 Categories: , Blog

If you've recently found out you and your partner are expecting your first child, you may be overwhelmed at the number of decisions you'll soon need to make. Would you like a medicated or unmedicated birth? Would you prefer to give birth at home, in a hospital, or in a standalone birthing center? You may assume you need to consult an obstetrician to help guide you through the next eight or nine months.
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Learn about the Different Kinds of Hysterectomies

3 September 2015
 Categories: , Blog

There are a lot of reasons for a woman to have a hysterectomy. They can range from extremely heavy periods to some kinds of cancer. Just as there are different reasons for you to have a hysterectomy, there are different kinds of hysterectomies. Getting certain kinds of hysterectomies will mean that you will have to have hormone replacement therapy after the surgery. This guide will explain the various types of hysterectomies and what they entail.
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About Me
Getting Excellent Medical Care

When you find out that you are expecting, your first priority might be to get a sonogram to check on that brand new little baby. However, in your hurry you might be tempted to choose an OBGYN without a lot of thought. However, finding a doctor that you feel comfortable with and who can give you proper medical care is crucial. My blog is filled to the brim with information about having your first baby, choosing a doctor, and enduring the challenges of labor and delivery. Having a baby is difficult, but the actual delivery doesn't have to be stressful and intimidating.
